Licensing and Registration

Nowadays starting a business in India is highly effective and efficient as all the processes/registrations are done through online platform. India has made a significant progress over the years, making it much easier for businesses to get started. While starting a business a person needs various registration and license for smooth functioning of the organisation and to comply with various applicable laws and regulations. The process of getting a License or Registration differs from industry to industry depending upon the specific state laws after considering variety of factors and criteria such as the number of workers, type of business, geographical jurisdiction of the organisation etc.
Our team has in depth knowledge and experience in obtaining various license & registrations. We have developed the expertise & resources to cater complete range of professional services in the field of registration and licensing.
Our range of licensing & registration services includes:
- Food Safety and Standards Authority (FSSAI) Licensing and Registration
- MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) Registration
- Registration under Shop & Establishment Act
- Professional Tax (PT) Registration
- Provident Fund (PF) & Employee State Insurance (ESI) Registration
- National Pension Scheme (NPS) Registration
- Trust Registration
- Society Registration
- Registration u/s 12AA and 12AB of Income Act, 1961
- DOT (Department of Telecommunications) Registration
- Registration Foreigner Regional Registration Offices (FRRO)
- Registration with Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB)
- Software Technology Parks of India (STPI)
- Special Economic Zone (SEZ)
- Import-Export Code (IEC)
- Pollution Consent
- Drug License
- ISO (International Organization for Standardization) Certification
- PSARA (Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act) License
- Other state specific / industry specific Registrations and Licensing